Our member


ACSIEL Alliance Electronique, a trade association governed by the French law of 1901, was formed by successive groupings of several professional organisations between 2013 and 2016. It now brings together all the players in the electronic components, test, measurement and production equipment sectors that supply the electronics value chain.

With a strong desire to unite and conquer, ACSIEL aims to be the benchmark professional organisation, federating and catalysing France's recently accredited electronics industry. 

The aim of our Alliance is to represent this diversity and to be a recognised interlocutor for all the players in the ecosystem (public authorities, trade associations, prime contractors, etc.) in order to boost the sector's competitiveness in terms of innovation and industrial and commercial development. 

Synergy between members, promotion of skills and expertise, education and training, support for SMEs and young innovative companies, cooperation, simplification of the regulatory framework and funding methods are the key areas to which ACSIEL is committed. 

Electronics is at the heart of all the challenges facing society: health, the environment, security and changes in the automotive industry, smart cities, home automation and the industry of the future, all of which are being swept along by the wave of the Internet of Things.

By federating the electronics industry, ACSIEL is a key pillar in the economic development and employment of our country, in maintaining its sovereignty and strengthening its attractiveness on both the domestic and export markets. 

11-17 rue de l’Amiral Hamelin
75783 Paris Cedex 16
Tél. : +33 (0)1 45 05 70 26

Jean-Luc ESTIENNE, Président d’ACSIEL

Site internet
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