CNRS has built-up several “tools” to coordinate the research at the national level and in the Organic electronics field the “Groupement de Recherche” (GDR).
The GDR 3368 «Organic Electronics» was created in April 2010 by CNRS.This network gathers academic labs as well as industrial companies which are working
in the field of organic and printed electronics. About forty academic laboratories in the electrical engineering, physics and chemistry CNRS departments are involved and also several companies.
Main objectives of the GDR «Organic Electronics»
1 • Provide a scientific animation for the nationalcommunity and develop the partnership between academic and industrials.
2 • Facilitate the emergence of new concepts and new applications resulting from the integration of organic semiconductors wherever possible and desirable (identifying value added).
Organic electronics is inherently a multidisciplinary topic and encourage exchanges between partners chemists, physicists and biologists is crucial.
3 • Relay to the institutions (CNRS, MESR, DGSI, ANR, Europe, OSEO) progress and opportunities for organic electronics.
4 • Provide a directory of experts to institutions and funding agencies
5 • Merge this field with biology (for sensors), molecular electronics and nonlinear optics (these two communities also have use of π - conjugated materials), microelectronics (to benefit from the experience gained inorganic components), packaging and assembling.
6 • Involve technological centers dedicated to organic electronic in the RENATECH network to benefit their experience.
7 • Improve coupling search / recovery by allowing particular:
- Identify industrial problems and guide research
- Involve industrial technical centers and CEATech to technology transfer from lab to fab.
Annual Meetings of the GDR «Organic Electronics»
Annual meetings are organised with specific topics keeping in mind that these meetings have not to subsidise to national conferences. For instance, in 2010 the GDR has made the first meeting between academics labs, industrials and institutions. Actually, it has been the starting point to the national organisation of the organic and printed electronics community. Following this event, industrials funded in 2011 the “French association on printed electronics” dedicated to companies.
In 2013, the Organic Electronics Summer School (OESS) has been created. The aim of this summer school is to provide lectures from the basics to the state of the art to student, researchers and engineers. International lecturers are invited to ensure a top level and state of the arts lectures. A second edition of this summer school is organized in 2014 and we expect to make it enduring for years.