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GRENOBLE INP - PAGORA is a public engineering school specialising in fibres, paper, printed communication and bio-based materials. The school offers engineering and master’s degree courses in initial cycle and apprenticeship. Its aim is to train professionals capable of meeting the environmental challenges facing our society.

A school offering specialised Masters-level training in printed electronics

Grenoble INP - Pagora is offering a one-year Printed and Sustainable Integrated Electronics course as part of the Grenoble INP - Industrial Engineering Master’s degree, leading to a Master 2 diploma. The aim of this course is to train professionals specialising in printed electronics who can design, develop and add new functionalities to 2D and 3D objects using innovative printing processes.
Thanks to training that combines materials science, electronics and sustainable innovation, graduates will be able to meet the challenges of functionalizing 2D/3D objects and eco-designing printed electronic devices.
The only one of its kind in France, this Master’s programme covers the following areas in particular:

  • Electronics and optoelectronics
  • Additive manufacturing, printing processes and functional inks
  • Materials for printed electronics
  • Eco-design and sustainability assessment

A research centre at the cuttingedge of innovation

Associated with Grenoble INP - Pagora, with which it has strong synergies, the Process Engineering Laboratory for Biorefinery, Biobased Materials and Functional Printing (LGP2) carries out research into printing processes for the functionalisation of surfaces (in particular the deposition of high value-added inks and printed electronics), process optimisation, the development of biobased materials (paper, cardboard, composites) and recycling processes.

A complete team dedicated to research into printing processes

Comprising 3 teams, the LGP2 laboratory includes a team dedicated to research into the functionalisation of surfaces by printing processes, i.e. the control of a complex system combining fluids, in particular inks, with deposition processes and the management of interfaces and surfaces. In the field of printed electronics, this includes projects in the following areas:

  • The design and eco-design of fluids for the graphics industry, printed electronics and additive manufacturing.
  • Recycling of cellulose-based electronics

Collaborative research with constant links to French and European research structures and companies

Anchored in the Grenoble area for several decades, with the CNRS and Grenoble INP-UGA as its supervisory bodies and Agefpi as its private partner, LGP2 is nonetheless open to the world, with more than 50 French and international researchers making up its teams. The laboratory is also open to the business world, building numerous partnerships as part of collaborative projects.

École internationale du papier,
de la communication imprimée et des
biomatériaux - Laboratoire de Génie
des Procédés Papetiers
461, rue de la Papeterie - CS10065
Tél : +33 (0)4 76 82 69 00
Tél : +33 (0)4 76 82 69 33



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